Further Evidence that Gender Transition Plans Were Kept Secret From Parents at HSE
"...we can proceed with a plan without parent consent..."
Just after my last post, I received an additional document which appears to be the HSE template for “gender support plans” mentioned in previous posts.
The eight-page document includes this statement (emphasis mine):
Our accommodations for students are not an endorsement of their beliefs, therefore we can proceed with a plan without parent consent in order to keep the student safe and able to learn.
It also describes how relevant staff are supposed to devise an elaborate “support plan” and then continue to collaborate on the details and update the plan as needed:
School staff, caregivers, mental health support, and the student should work together to complete this document. Ideally, each will spend time completing the various sections to the best of their ability and then come together to review sections and confirm shared agreements about using this plan. This document may be updated any time when requested by student, caregiver, and/or staff.
School staff are expected to spend untold hours spelling out how they will handle privacy concerns related to:
substitute teachers
standardized tests
school photos
individualized education plans
cumulative student file
after-school programs
field trips
overnight field trips
lunch lines
taking attendance
teacher grade book
official school-home communication
unofficial school-home communication
outside district personnel or providers
summons to the office
student id
posted lists
distribution of texts or other school supplies
assignment to IT accounts
PA announcements
The plan allows the student to choose which locker room and bathroom he or she will use. It asks how the student will engage with extracurricular activities, how issues with siblings will be handled, how the dress code will apply, and how staff should deal with use of non-preferred pronouns.
The plan also outlines a series of “steps” for school staff including at least three meetings among various involved parties, discussion of “Inclusive Practices” with other students to create an “identity-safe environment among peers,” professional development for staff, and more.
This obviously places an extraordinary burden on teachers. How can a teacher focus on teaching with all of this going on?
Moreover, under this plan, if your child happens to be in a class with a transitioning kid, HSE will instruct your child on this controversial gender ideology. They will not respect your authority over your own child or consider your view of the matter. They will not even tell you what they are doing, since, as they put it, “we can proceed with a plan without parent consent.”
And then there’s also this:
What curricula needs to be considered for biological body parts?
What does this even mean?
The document was provided to me by a trusted source who says it was confirmed by two district employees. I have attempted to confirm its authenticity with Superintendent Yvonne Stokes, but she did not immediately respond. However, it does resemble similar documents which have been in use in other Indiana school districts.
[Update (11/7/2022): HSE Board Member Michelle Fullhart confirmed on Twitter that the document was indeed provided to the district by their “outside legal team.”]
A Marked Difference From How HSE Treated the Shahnavaz Family
As I reflect on this elaborate plan around transgender issues, I’m reminded of the Shahnavaz family’s account of how HSE treated them. If you aren’t aware, the Shahnavaz family lost their son, Noah, a police officer who was killed in the line of duty. When Noah’s brother returned to Fishers High School, he was distressed by a poster his English teacher had displayed in her classroom, which questioned whether the police should be defunded. Subsequently, neither he nor his family received the support they needed from school officials.
Listen to their heartbreaking story in their own words here.
It is an outrage that the district will construct elaborate plans to indoctrinate kids with this extremely controversial gender ideology behind the backs of parents, while neglecting the needs of this grieving family.
What Can You Do?
As I said above, I reached out to Dr. Stokes (ystokes@hse.k12.in.us) for comment. I’m not holding my breath.
But the most important thing you can do is make sure to vote. And bring everyone you know to do likewise.
Here is the document: